Zip waiting to go in body armour | Practising room clearance | Zip commencing room clearance |
Gatto waiting to start tracking | Foundation tracking exercises | Zip foundation tracking |
Xzarto learning tactical movement | Reward time for black | Black receiving a static bite |
Gatto on scent discrimination | Apprehension training | Balco apprehension training |
Tango awaiting Vehicle search | Gatto on scent discrimination | Zip searching a Garage |
Tango Indicating at height | Tactical K9 Movement training | Zip conducting Vehicle search |
Public disturbance training | Zip conducting Vehicle search | Zip about to start a room search |
Tactical training |
In January 2019 Animals Saving Animals carried out a Narcotics handler course with the Corradino Correctional Facility in Malta. Seven Handlers undertook the four week intensive course and were instructed in various subjects including the theory of scent and movement , search procedures and the legalities of search alongside practical instruction of vehicle search, open area search, building internal and exterior search, baggage and people scanning (vapour wake). ASA is pleased to announce all seven handlers passed the course and are now certified.
In May 2019 ASA returned to Malta to carry out further continuation training with the dog section and escort ASA's latest recruits to CCF Malta, three Belgian Malinois puppies (see video right). Mayhem, Viper & Thor have just begun their year long training at the end of which they will be valuable compliment to the established dog section in their dual role capability.